This version updates the license manager to handle permission issues in some corporate IT environments.
Category Archives: NavPoint
Updates to NavPoint
NavPoint 1.0.114 Released
This version updates the checking of a vertical CRS datum to handle the changes to the underlying EPSG dataset introduced recently
NavPoint 1.0.113 Released
This version updates the EPSG library to v10.047. This version number and the version date is now displayed in the About display.
The checking of IOGP files has been updated to reference aliases when checking the name of an EPSG object.
NavPoint 1.0.112 Released
This version adds in a new P611 viewing tool into the system
NavPoint 1.0.111 Released
This version updates the checking of geodetic test points to correctly handle 3D to 2D conversions
NavPoint 1.0.110 Released
This version updates NavPoint to use v10 of the ESPG database
NavPoint 1.0.109 Released
This version updates the checker to correctly check P6/98 H2400 records.
There is also an update to the coordinate checking order – for “Real World” files, the system always checks from the geographical position to the grid position (as this is the order the field computation uses) but for GIGS Test Files the check needs to be done in the order the points are defined in order to function correctly.
Finally, the system now supports display themes.
NavPoint 1.0.108 Released
This version updates the system to use the latest EPSG database (v9.8.11) and updates the Bin Grid naming checks to handle the changes introduced in v9.8.5
The system has also been updated to build with Visual Studio 2019
NavPoint 1.0.107 Released
This version updates the duplicate record checking so that it is reset between format checks
NavPoint 1.0.106 Released
This version adds duplicate checking for P1/11, P1/90 and SPS position and receiver records