This version contains the following updates:
- Fixed Checking of Coordinate System Type for EPSG versions less than 9.6
- Updated Checker to check for example points on I and J axes requirement for P6/11
Updates to NavPoint
This version contains the following updates:
This version updates the BINGRIDATTREF check to apply only to P6/11 files
This version updates the format display to show Record Extension field in more details
This version contains a minor update to the checking of single depth tuples.
This version updates the license manager to handle permission issues in some corporate IT environments.
This version updates the checking of a vertical CRS datum to handle the changes to the underlying EPSG dataset introduced recently
This version updates the EPSG library to v10.047. This version number and the version date is now displayed in the About display.
The checking of IOGP files has been updated to reference aliases when checking the name of an EPSG object.
This version adds in a new P611 viewing tool into the system
This version updates the checking of geodetic test points to correctly handle 3D to 2D conversions
This version updates NavPoint to use v10 of the ESPG database