This version updates the Relation Checker Application to allow for filtering by offset
Category Archives: NavPoint
Updates to NavPoint
NavPoint 1.0.140 Released
This version adds in a new P1/11 viewing tool. This tool can also be used to create reduced shot or group P1 files.
NavPoint 1.0.139 Released
This version corrects a number of minor errors in the P1/11 v2.0 format definition used in the software.
NavPoint 1.0.138 Released
This version contains one minor update to the definition of the K1 records in P1/11
NavPoint 1.0.137 Released
This version contains the following updates
- Added P6/11 v2 Loading Sheet records
- Updated Required Px/11 Example Record Types
- Updated Px/11 EPSG Version Check
NavPoint 1.0.136 Released
This version updates the checking of example conversions for Px/11 files. The standard check now excludes vertical CRSs – these are now only checked if the flag is set to check all CRSs.
NavPoint 1.0.135 Released
This version adds a switch controlling the requirement to have example point conversions for all listed reference systems in a Px/11 file
NavPoint 1.0.134 Released
This version adds support for checking P2/94 H7020 and H7021 records.
There is also an update to the SE version to add in support for silent license loading.
NavPoint 1.0.133 Released
This version updates the license handling in the SE version
NavPoint 1.0.132 Released
This version contains a number of updates, adding in new checks and making some of the existing error messages easier to understand.
- Added check to ensure example conversion points are listed and all CRSs are listed in the examples
- Added check to ensure a conversion exists between the Global Geographic CRS and the Projected CRS
- Added check to ensure a conversion exists between the Projected CRS and any Bin Grid definitions
- Updated a number of error messages to provide clearer information
- Added a number of new settings to implement specific checks on EPSG versions and bin increments
- Added a number of new settings to implement specific checks on P6/11 Position Precision and Perimeter definition
- Added a display showing the CRS configuration from a Px/11 File