This version updates the exclusion zones to display correctly when the map is scaled
Category Archives: CoverPoint
CoverPoint 2.1.5 Released
This version updates the map display to add in the ability to display user-defined reference points.
CoverPoint 2.1.4 Released
This version fixes a bug in the display of bin grids using a stepped colour theme
CoverPoint 2.1.3 Released
This version fixes the application of streamer and group edits.
CoverPoint 2.1.2 Released
This version fixes a bug causing a crash when realtime data was received.
CoverPoint 2.1.1 Released
This version fixes a couple of minor bugs, and adds in the ability to compute coverage statistics.
CoverPoint 2.1.0 Released
This release contains a large number of performance updates, bug fixes and additional features.
CoverPoint 2.0.25 Released
This version updates the system to allow the user to define the number of offset display and bin flex sections.