CheckPoint 2.0.228 Released

This version contains the following updates

  • Rationalised Search Options and added in option for Boolean NOT (using ! in front of the search text)
  • Updated Report Data Tables selection to automatically set Sort By to Name where appropriate
  • Fixed Bug in Column editing adding in Footer data incorrectly
  • Updated Setup Table Report Output to set the colour attribute
  • Added Automatic Sequence Scaling in Graphs
  • Implemented Table Auto Layout Feature
  • Updated Auto Charts to include Average, Mean and Fixed Value lines

CheckPoint 2.0.227 Released

This version contains the following updates

  • Updated OBN Acquisition to Draw as Single Entity
  • Added Drawing Order Support into Map Layers
  • Updated Chart to Draw Summed Lines for Data Points with No Data

CheckPoint 2.0.225 Released

This version updates the chart mean calculation to split this option into a version which ignores non-zeros values, and one which takes into account zero values.

There is also an update to the report groups to allow item groups within vessel groups.

CheckPoint 2.0.224 Released

This version completes the templates for new project creation.

There is also a new Activity Vessel data group in the report, which loops through vessels with daily data entries defined only, thus removing any vessels which have exited from the project.

CheckPoint 2.0.223 Released

This version updates the OBN acquisition calculations with a switch in the settings allowing the bad shots entry to be added to the chargeable calculations for all lines.

CheckPoint 2.0.221 Released

This version contains the following updates

  • Added Automatic Chart for HSE Exposure by Type and Vessel
  • Added Automatic Chart for Consumable Use by Type and Vessel
  • Added Verbose Logging Switch for Sync Debugging

CheckPoint 2.0.220 Released

This version contains the following updates

  • Added Merged Source/Receiver Production and Activity Daily Summary Tables
  • Added HSE Events by Vessel Automatic Chart Type
  • Updated Text Style Duplicate Removal
  • Added Text Style Renaming Option
  • Added Support Vessel Data Group