BreakPoint 1.1.15 Released

This version adds an option into both the SPS data and preplot loading options, which converts the loaded line name from a numerical value (e.g. “1001.00”) to an integer value (e.g. “1001”). This allows the system to match SPS v2.1 preplots with data in v1 and vice-versa

BreakPoint 1.1.12 Released

This version adds in a new “Split Shot Number” SEGY decoding option. This option splits the shot line and point number out from the Field Trace Number (cols 13-16) and loads the receiver line and point number from cols 171-172 and 173-174 respectively.

BreakPoint 1.1.8 Released

This version updates the report and receiver graph display to allow the user to cycle through individual lines more easily, along with a new option to batch output a report for each receiver line.

This version also fixes a minor bug with the determination of the first and last station for a receiver line.