This version adds in the ability to view SeaProNav Shot-by-Shot attribute files
Category Archives: BreakPoint
BreakPoint 1.1.15 Released
This version adds an option into both the SPS data and preplot loading options, which converts the loaded line name from a numerical value (e.g. “1001.00”) to an integer value (e.g. “1001”). This allows the system to match SPS v2.1 preplots with data in v1 and vice-versa
BreakPoint 1.1.14 Released
This version adds in the ability to load map layers from CSV files.
BreakPoint 1.1.13 Released
This version updates the Preplot to Source Line comparison to handle flip-flop lines shot into two single preplot lines
BreakPoint 1.1.12 Released
This version adds in a new “Split Shot Number” SEGY decoding option. This option splits the shot line and point number out from the Field Trace Number (cols 13-16) and loads the receiver line and point number from cols 171-172 and 173-174 respectively.
BreakPoint 1.1.11 Released
This version updates the preplot compression algorithm to correct handle zig-zag preplots.
BreakPoint 1.1.10 Released
This version adds an option to only match a source point to exact points listed in the preplot
BreakPoint 1.1.9 Released
This version contains a minor update to the receiver SPS loading process
BreakPoint 1.1.8 Released
This version updates the report and receiver graph display to allow the user to cycle through individual lines more easily, along with a new option to batch output a report for each receiver line.
This version also fixes a minor bug with the determination of the first and last station for a receiver line.
BreakPoint 1.1.7 Released
This version contains a minor update to the reading of SegY files.