CheckPoint 1.3.13 Released

This version contains a couple of minor updates

  • Updates the Attribute Manager to handle multiple vessel acquisition
  • Adds in a couple of further display updates for High-DPI systems
  • Adds in a couple of extra fields to the Remedial Work Plan data entry
  • Fixes the bug where an incorrectly configured map extent causes problems in the report editor

CheckPoint 1.3.12 Released

This version contains some minor HSE updates and improvements, adding in a number of new incident codes and additional data entry for Environmental Incidents and Remedial Work Plans.

There are also some display improvements for high resolution screens.

CheckPoint 1.3.11 Released

This version contains a minor update to the acquisition report data, adding in a project-level table containing the entered shot edits as well as table containing the applied shot edit values.

There’s also a minor update to the data entry pages to handle 4K displays.

CoverPoint 2.1.19 Released

This version updates the flex application to allow a new option to apply flex in both I and J directions at the same time.

There is also a new text export option to export the bin fill into a CSV file

CheckPoint 1.3.10 Released

This version adds a new Equipment Management tool into the system. This stand-alone tool can be used to manage equipment items and their locations.

There is also a minor update to the report data, adding shot totals into the Applied Edits table.