This version updates the option to transfer data from a single vessel database into a multiple vessel configuration
CheckPoint 1.3.207 Released
This version updates the Activity summary reporting output table to include Category totals
CheckPoint 1.3.206 Released
This version fixes the display of the Acquisition Calculation Settings for Multiple Vessel Projects
BreakPoint 1.1.16 Released
This version adds in the ability to view SeaProNav Shot-by-Shot attribute files
CheckPoint 1.3.205 Released
This version updates the sync to handle a couple of issues.
CheckPoint 1.3.203 Released
This version contains the following minor updates
- Updated CSV Import to work better with large files
- Added SPS 2.1 Linename Correction Action
- Updated JNCC Output for lines that end on reduced output
CheckPoint 1.3.202 Released
This version contains a couple of minor fixes and updates to the MMO functionality
The bugs fixed are
- Fixed JNCC Output for Multiple Vessel Projects
- Fixed Report Map Key Toggle to Work for all Data Entry Types
An option has been added to the Design Item Settings window for a Report Map, allowing the map to be configured to display selected Marine Mammal Species
There has also been an option added into the Data Entry Settings to set the system to default to either Local or UTC Time in the data entry pages
CheckPoint 1.3.201 Released
This version updates the Axxis iOMS Incident Report Form to include the incident type.
There is also an update to the Row Total Macros (=R and =RM) so that, for Data-Linked Tables, the total or mean excludes the value of the Title Row in the table
CheckPoint 1.3.200 Released
This version contains the following updates
- Updated HSE Exposure Hours to change text from “Hours Worked” to “Exposure Hours”
- Updated Action Point List to show Description and setting Reference Number to default to the previous number plus one.
- Update Document Sync to ignore documents with no name