This version contains the following updates
- Updated Day-by-Day output for Date Range reports
- Updated Chart Loading for Backward Compatibility with old Attribute coding
- Updated AIS Manager to give more QC information
This version contains the following updates
Ensures Attribute Charts produced with older versions will still work with the new Attribute Manager.
This version fixes an internal memory leak
This version increases the allowed upload file size to allow for sync of bigger map layers
This version contains the following updates:
The acquisition line reporting change allows for cases where multiple acquisition vessels are acquiring data concurrently. Previously the data was sorted by sequence number before processing, where now the system uses the date/time of the data to ensure the lines are processed in the correct order (which can be important with some charging methods)
This version updates the report map to allow for the data from a fixed date to be displayed
This version updates the Find Line windows to show the line status.
This version fixes a bug in the PDF output introduced in v2.0.379
This version updates the attribute manager to make it easier to load data with a large number of lines defined.