This update adds a 64-bit version alongside the existing 32-bit version of the software.
CheckPoint 1.1.158 Released
This version updates the system to compute totals of skipped and compensation shots.
This version also updates the attribute system to enable the loading of multiple SBS or CSV shot-by-shot attribute files, and also allows fixed axes on the attribute graphs.
NavPoint 1.0.58 Released
This update fixes the checking of the Longitude Axis Abbreviation, which changed in EPSG v8.8
CheckPoint 1.1.157 Released
This version fixes a minor bug in the Excel Importer, where the Ignore Zero Value option didn’t work correctly when importing shot numbers
CheckPoint 1.1.156 Released
This version updates the attribute system to allow for the generation of shot-by-shot attributes from P1, SBS and CSV files
These attribute graphs are generated from within the Attribute Manager.
For the P1 attributes, once the P1 file has been loaded, right click on the P1 file icon and select “View Shot-by-Shot Attributes”
This will display the attribute graphs
The attribute or a group of attributes can be selected for display using the dropdown list in the bottom left corner of the window.
For the CSV and SBS file attributes, right-click on the Line and select the relevant menu item
This will also display the attribute data loaded from the file, as both individual attributes and as groups
In the Attribute display window it is possible to automatically save an image of graph into the Images section of the CheckPoint database. To do so, click on the “Save Image” for each graph you wish to add and then click on OK. The graphs will be automatically added to CheckPoint and linked to the selected line
These images are also assigned tags so that they can be added into a Line Log report
NavPoint 1.0.57 Released
This version updates the software to check the coordinates in the P6/11 position records – the system now checks the M6 record coordinates and the first B6 record.
CheckPoint 1.1.155 Released
This version contains a minor update to the reporting output, making the total preplot lines completed and partially completed available as a report attribute.
CurrentPoint 1.0.6 Released
This version adds the ability to display the current direction on the colour-coded map.
CurrentPoint 1.0.5 Released
This version updates the radial average velocity display so the display isn’t skewed by a single erroneous value