This version updates the terminology option for Remedial Work Plans introduced in v1.3.162
Author Archive: TOwen
CheckPoint 1.3.162 Released
This version contains the following updates
- Added new HSE Incident data entry option for Axxis iOMS
- Added terminology option for Remedial Work Plans
- Added an option to add Remedial Work Plans from HSE Events and Incidents
CheckPoint 1.3.161 Released
This version updates the OBS Acquisition Report Output Data to include Line Count
BreakPoint 1.1.14 Released
This version adds in the ability to load map layers from CSV files.
CheckPoint 1.3.160 Released
This version updates the Waste Disposal report outputs to include a dual Type and Disposed By Summary
CheckPoint 1.3.157 Released
This version contains the following updates
- Fixed Bug in P1/11 Extended Field Loading
- Fixed Receiver Map Display Settings
- Fixed Duplicate Display on Map of Single Point Receiver Lines
CheckPoint 1.3.156 Released
This version updates to the SeisPos Attribute Decoder
CheckPoint 1.3.155 Released
This version adds in an Admin Option to Align Vessel Ids between Projects.
CheckPoint 1.3.154 Released
This version adds in options to control the display of the map key output on the exported map images generated from the Copy to Clipboard and Save to File buttons on the Map toolbar.
BreakPoint 1.1.13 Released
This version updates the Preplot to Source Line comparison to handle flip-flop lines shot into two single preplot lines