CheckPoint 2.0.46 Released

This version contains the following updates

  • Fixed Report Map Item Colours
  • Fixed Filtering in Filter 3 Only
  • Fixed Chart Outline Colour
  • Updated Sync to handle Vessel and Configuration Changes correctly

Geodetic Calculator 1.0.59 Released

This version updates the calculator to use the latest version of our internal geodetic library, which uses the new v10 ESPG dataset.

The calculator is now split – there is a simple calculator which only performs conversion using 2D Geographic (Lat/Lon) and 2D Grid (East/North) points. The Advanced Calculator can be used to perform other conversions (e.g. using Geocentric positions)

CheckPoint 2.0.43 Released

This version fixes a couple of minor bugs and has a couple of updates

  • Added Common and Scientific Names to MMO Sightings Outputs
  • Added Minimum Width to the Gannt Chart Items
  • Fixed Report Generation Error with Table over Page
  • Fixed Sequence Number Display on Map

CheckPoint 2.0.42 Released

This version contains the following updates

  • Added Interprocess Locking for SQLite Databases
  • Updated Attribute Data Storage
  • Fixed Incorrect Date on Data Entry Page
  • Fixed Acquisition Colour for Summary Report Charts
  • Added CELLCOL macro
  • Updated Sync for Extra-Project Data Entry and Tables
  • Added Extra Sync Options
  • Added Database Update Option to Main Database Menu
  • Fixed Deletion of Top Level Items

CheckPoint 2.0.41 Released

This version contains the following updates:

Fixed Alt Text in Tables
Fixed Report reload on comment change
Added Conditional Display of Tables
Added Boolean Custom Field
Added Summary for Integer, Floating Point and Boolean Custom Fields
Fixed Error in Data Entry Pages