This version contains the following updates:
- Changed the S1 Record Check to show as a warning
- Updated Linux Checker to show the correct text for some messages
- Updated geodetics to handle dynamic CRSs correctly
This version contains the following updates:
This versions adds in a check to ensure all shots defined in a P1/11 file have an S1 record.
There is also an update to the Linux version to report an incorrect file name
This version updates the preplot drawing for triple source preplot types.
This version contains a number of updates to the format checker and to the Px/11 creation and Differences tools.
This version fixed a bug which removed the Weather Log data from a Vessel-Filtered Report.
This version updates the weather rose, adding settings to remove or change the interval of the count numbers displayed on the axis
This version updates the realtime mapping
This version adds in 3 new apps
This version adds a feather Line Direction correction option into the Attribute Mapping app.
There is also an auto-setup option added into the Excel import field value matching setup.