CheckPoint 2.0.188 Released

This version contains a number of updates as detailed below.

The major change is to only allow a single project to be loaded into the CheckPoint application – this change has been implemented to aid software robustness – an occasional clash was identified with multiple projects accessing the database concurrently.

There is also a change so that projects with MMO data entry on multiple vessels now only have a single set of display options in the map.

  • Updated GUI to only load single projects
  • Change all reference to “Chase Vessels” to ” Escort Vessels”
  • Removed blank Vessel field for non-vessel report output
  • Added Reverse Sort
  • Updated Report Output to correctly show vessel colour
  • Moved Default Lat/Lon Settings into Data Entry
  • Add Option to Set Second Column Formatting of Report Table
  • Added Support for Block Definition in Receiver Points Tables
  • Updated Map Configuration for to have single item for all MMO Data Entry

CheckPoint 2.0.186 Released

This version contains the following updates

  • Added HSE Incident Report Group
  • Updated Close Report Image
  • Updated Report Right Click Menu Text
  • Updated Default Colour Palette
  • Added Combined MMO + PAM observer output

CheckPoint 2.0.185 Released

This version contains the following updates

  • Added Option to Re-order Items in Multiple Graph Items window
  • Added Vessel Selection button to Report Toolbar
  • Updated JNCC Output to Select Vessel in one step

CheckPoint 2.0.184 Released

This version includes a minor update to the chart setup, allowing the chart item name to be used as the data axis value – this allows more complex bar charts to be built containing values from multiple tables.

This version also introduces a new data checking feature – any data entry which has missing or undefined entries will be highlighted in red to indicate this needs checking