CheckPoint 2.0.221 Released

This version contains the following updates

  • Added Automatic Chart for HSE Exposure by Type and Vessel
  • Added Automatic Chart for Consumable Use by Type and Vessel
  • Added Verbose Logging Switch for Sync Debugging

CheckPoint 2.0.220 Released

This version contains the following updates

  • Added Merged Source/Receiver Production and Activity Daily Summary Tables
  • Added HSE Events by Vessel Automatic Chart Type
  • Updated Text Style Duplicate Removal
  • Added Text Style Renaming Option
  • Added Support Vessel Data Group

CheckPoint 2.0.217 Released

This version adds in a Velocity Profile logging data entry option for Streamer Surveys.

There is also a minor update to add in a “Create Copy” option for Text Styles

CheckPoint 2.0.216 Released

This version contains the following updates

  • Updated Map to Allow User to Shift Display of Non-Prime Lines
  • Updated Report Map to Allow Selection of Lines to Display

CheckPoint 2.0.215 Released

This version contains two minor updates.

The map has been updated to include a combined Line Direction and Type colour option for Streamer Surveys.
The line summary reporting output has been updated to chart with the defined item colour