This version updates the DAWE XML output
Author Archive: TOwen
CheckPoint 2.0.372 Released
This version adds in an additional MMO Operations output table into the reporting data
CheckPoint 2.0.371 Released
Updated Drawing of Map Acquisition by Line Direction and Line Type.
CheckPoint 2.0.370 Released
This version adds a Mitigation entry field into the MMO Observer Data Entry
The version also contains an updated Attribute Manager
CheckPoint 2.0.369 Released
This version contains a couple of updates for Geotechnical Surveys
- Fixed Geotechnical Preplot Output
- Added Ability to Apply Preplot Adjustment to Corridor Phase
CheckPoint 2.0.368 Released
This version contains the following updates:
- Updated Information Window to display more data entry types
- Added visual state to show if report is filtered by vessel
- Fixed reloading of Attribute Manager tree display when toggled off
- Updated acquisition daily map highlight to allow user to set color
- Update report table condition option to check for blank table field
- Added Replay to P1 Attribute Map
CheckPoint 2.0.367 Released
This version updates the Geophysical Survey Vessel Speed Calculation
CheckPoint 2.0.366 Released
This version updates the corridor output to include a combined project phase output
CheckPoint 2.0.365 Released
This version contains a minor update to the GeoMetis Attribute File Handling
CheckPoint 2.0.364 Released
This version updates the STS file loading to handle a new file format.