CheckPoint 2.0.389 Released

  • Implemented Reporting of Current Data in CheckPoint
  • Removed Equipment and Personnel Modules
  • Changed Square Distance to Miles or Km depending on Project Setup
  • Set System to Lock Certain Table Entries from being changed
  • Removed CSV Viewer Module
  • Updated Sync Logon to cater for usernames with spaces
  • Updated Preplot Display in Current Manager and Attribute Mapping Tools

NavPoint 1.0.136 Released

This version updates the checking of example conversions for Px/11 files. The standard check now excludes vertical CRSs – these are now only checked if the flag is set to check all CRSs.

CheckPoint 2.0.388 Released

This version contains the following updates

  • Updated Day-by-Day output for Date Range reports
  • Updated Chart Loading for Backward Compatibility with old Attribute coding
  • Updated AIS Manager to give more QC information

CheckPoint 2.0.384 Released

This version contains the following updates:

  • Updated Permission for Read-Only Users
  • Changed Tree Order in Select Attribute window
  • Updated Order of processing of Acquisition Lines reporting data

The acquisition line reporting change allows for cases where multiple acquisition vessels are acquiring data concurrently. Previously the data was sorted by sequence number before processing, where now the system uses the date/time of the data to ensure the lines are processed in the correct order (which can be important with some charging methods)

CheckPoint 3.0.382 Released

  • Implemented New Current Viewer GUI
  • Updated Attribute Report Data Table Ids
  • Added Defensive Code to Handle Paste of Macro with incorrect characters
  • Fixed Vector Map Reload with Large Attribute Table
  • Fixed WebTools geoJSON output