This version fixes a crash caused by certain content inside P1/11 files with relational records
Author Archive: TOwen
NavPoint 1.0.71 Released
This version updates the checking of the position system id for physical vs virtual nodes. This version also enables company-wide licensing.
CheckPoint 1.2.51 Released
This version contains a couple of minor updates – the data on the map is now drawn in alphabetical colour code item order, and the report charts now include an option to apply a scalar to the charted value.
CheckPoint 1.2.50 Released
This version fixes a bug affecting graphs in the Current Viewer application
CheckPoint 1.2.49 Released
This version fixes a minor bug in the JNCC output when alpha-numeric PAM sighting numbers are used.
It also contains a minor update to the Land survey options
CheckPoint 1.2.48 Released
This version adds in a couple of new data entry options for land surveys
BreakPoint 1.1.3 Released
This version adds in the ability to load source positions from a P190 file
BreakPoint 1.1.2 Released
This version adds a new decoding option to extract the line, sequence and swatch details from the acquisition line name by indexing from the right of the name. This allows for decoding names of inconsistent length.
This version also updates the time-based SegY imports to correctly set the source index number, and adds in a new feature to enable the loading of all SPS source files in a folder and subfolders.
CheckPoint 1.2.47 Released
This version updates the shot-by-shot RMS file loading process.
BreakPoint 1.1.1 Released
This version contains a minor update to the Receiver KL Tool