This version updates to Shot Point loader to fully handle SPS, SIT, P190 and P111 formats, and also updates the percent table display to work in Fixed Tables
Author Archive: TOwen
NavPoint 1.0.156 Released
This version updates the SegY Viewer to allow for trace header definition, and adds in a file merge option into the Px11 Creation Tool
NavPoint 1.0.155 Released
- Added new SegY Viewer App
- Updated Viewing of Files links from within other Apps
- Updated Perimeter Types to handle different versions correctly
- Fixed CRS Order in Px11 Creation Tool
- Fixed Generation of UOM Examples when using P2 Wizard in Px11 Creation Tool
CheckPoint 2.0.468 Released
This version contains further updates for the application of irregular compress preplots
CheckPoint 2.0.467 Released
This version enhances the SIT file import with a couple of additional options.
CheckPoint 2.0.466 Released
This version updates the RIT and SIT import routines to handle different file formats
CheckPoint 2.0.465 Released
This version updates the compression options for irregular preplots
CheckPoint 2.0.464 Released
This version contains the following minor updates
- Updated Midnight Status for FPSP-LPSP Lines
- Updated Import from Acquisition for FPSP-LPSP Lines
NavPoint 1.0.154 Released
This version contains the following updates:
- Changed Source Depth Check to Warning
- Added Version History support
- Added Loading Sheet Editing
- Added Epoch for H2,5,5,0 Extension Field
NavPoint 1.0.153 Released
This version contains the following updates:
- Added Fired Gun Depth Warning
- Updated HC,1,4,4 checking for different format versions
- Updated Linux Checker to return error count